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Canadian Made Windows And Doors

Writer's picture: Skyway windows and doors Skyway windows and doors

Canada as the rest of the world is going through a very difficult time with the COVID-19 Pandemic. Now more than ever it is important to support Canadian businesses. Therefore, while purchasing your products make sure they are manufactured in Canada. This act will help Canada to overcome the difficult times and re-bounce the Canadian economy. Furthermore, try to support the local businesses in your community. Help them to overcome and survive this difficult period.

The best windows and doors

Canadian made windows and doors are known for their high quality, lower cost, and extended warranty. In addition, when you buy locally the service for the product is rapidly available. Moreover, factories that manufacture locally and produce ENERGY STAR® certified products are designed especially for the Canadian climate.

What does ENERGY STAR® symbol means?

The ENERGY STAR® symbol is a consumer icon in the Canadian

marketplace. It instantly identifies products that have qualified as high efficiency. ENERGY STAR® Canada is a voluntary partnership between the Government of Canada and industry to make high efficiency products readily available and visible to Canadians.

NRCan formally enrolls manufacturers, retailers and other organizations as Participants in ENERGY STAR® Canada. Participants help promote ENERGY STAR® and ensure ENERGY STAR® certified products are prominent and readily available in the marketplace and to Canadian consumers.

Why choosing ENERGY STAR® windows and doors?

ENERGY STAR® windows and doors will:

· Prevent air leaking through the glass and frame.

· Keep heat in during the winter.

· Keep cool air in during the summer.

· Allow light to pass through the glass while blocking the heat of the sun using LOW-E layer.

How do I know if the products are ENERGY STAR® ?

Here in Skyway windows and doors, we assure you that all our windows and doors are made in Canada and ENERGY STAR®. We work only with factories located in Ontario. We stand behind our high quality products with Lifetime (25 years) warranty for product and workmanship.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for your windows and doors needs at

905-617-1971 or by email:

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